
Upcoming Events

Community engagement is a key part of both our, and the Whitworth’s strategy – we want more people to use and enjoy the Park and through that, build an interest in ensuring the future of the Park.

The Friends have a programme of outdoor activities related to the development and upkeep of the Park.  Follow our facebook page which is regularly updated.

The Whitworth has an extensive programme of activities for people of all ages, some of which take place in the Park, with fall back in bad weather, inside. Call in or check the website and notice boards for upcoming events.

Walking for Health lead free short walks in the Park.  They run 11-12am and 2-3pm starting at the Anchor Coffee Shop on Moss Lane East, near the Rusholme Gate into the Park. 2015 dates are Jan 7 and 28, Feb 4 and 25, Mar 4 and 25, April 1 and 29, May 6 and 27, June 3 and 24, July 1 and 29, Aug 5 and 26, Sept 2 and 30, Oct 7 and 28. Contact Wendy Gallagher – or 0161 306 1588 for more information.

Publicise your event.

If you are interested in putting on an event in the Park and would like to add it to our listing please contact us on  We can also arrange for fliers and posters to be displayed on the notice board in the Park.

Want to organise an event in the Park?

You will need to register your event – please contact Steve Flood at for more information and booking details.The council and the Friends are keen to encourage more people and groups to use the Park.  As our History shows, it is a traditional site for all manner of activities and events.

The Story so far…

From the first year, 2006 to 2010, Manchester Leisure hosted a “Fun Day” in the Park around Easter time.  The Friends had a stall at the first of these but after that participated in their organisation, contributing to costs but taking an income from a book stall which helped to fund the following years event.  In 2011, as the effects of cuts and reorganisation started to become evident, council input reduced, but Manchester Museum took over and organised “Wonderful Whitworth Wildlife” to run alongside the Fun Day. In 2012 the Friends promoted a number of smaller events aimed at attracting different interests into the Park including the Real Food Fair, “Yarn Bobbing”. In both 2011 and 2013 Open Days were organised as part of the “digs” which were a key part of the Community Archaeology and History Project, funded by the HLF. This project was the subject of an exhibition in Manchester Museum between May and October 2014.

See also Wonderful Whitworth Wildlife, Manchester Museum Big Saturday

And in 2013, to mark its temporary closing and to look forward to a new Future, the Whitworth organised  “Whitworth Weekending”, which over a full weekend, demonstrated the vitality and breadth of the idea of “the Gallery in the Park”.

See more pictures from Flickr on “Whitworth Weekending“.

In September 2014,  Naomi Kashiwaggi organised an event for new students to introduce them to the Park. This illustrates the change in public perception of the Park since we started the programme of improvements in 2006, when the advice given by the Police to students was to avoid the Park which was perceived to be “a dangerous place”.

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